Issue Position: End Mass Incarceration And The War On Drugs

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Drugs

The "war on drugs" has resulted in the United States having the largest incarcerated population in the entire world. This has broken up families and torn apart the social fabric of communities, disproportionately Black, Latinx and Indigenous. One step to correct the damage done by mass incarceration is to legalize cannabis use. Additionally, we must move forward with intentional mass-decarceration and reparations for those victimized by the war on drugs.

Fully legalize recreational marijuana:
Release all people incarcerated on simple marijuana convictions,
Create a path to expungement for those with drug-related offenses,
Prioritize access to the legal cannabis industry to victims of the war on drugs
Shut down private prisons and ban the construction of new private prisons
End the system of cash bail
Reform Minnesota's probation system to decrease the number of people incarcerated due to technical violations
Restore voting rights to all felons
Invest public safety funds into restorative justice programs
